
Did you do the right task with all the right components?
Yes: (1 Point)
No: (0 Points)

None or very short and not clear (0 Points)
Long, good description explaining what you did and why you did it and what it's supposed to represent (1 Point)

No Pose or boring and simple pose with one hand or leg moved (0 Points)
More complex pose (1 Point)
Really creative and well-made pose (2 Points)

Boring and/or doesn't fit in with the scene (0 Points)
Kind of interesting Background (1 Point)
Well made creative background that fits in with the scene (2 Points)

Boring outfit (0 Points)
Somewhat interesting outfit (1 Point)
Amazing and creative, well put together outfit (2 points)

Plain, not creative nothing new: (0 Points)
Somewhat creative, some new ideas (1 Point)
Really creative, new ideas, big wow (2 points)